Five Minute Friday She
Most giving person I know
Opens her heart and her home
Tells it like it is, because she cares so much
Helps me anytime I need her to
Encouragement and laughter on hard days
Reminds me that when I am with her I am home.
Mom, you have always said that I will always have a home. Thank you for welcoming me and your grandchildren back home, and for everything that you and Dad have do for me and your grandkids every day. You are an amazing Mom. You encourage me and inspire me. I love you very much, and I hope you have a wonderful Mother’s Day. I am thankful to be home spending the day with you.
"When I am with her I am home" those words are so true. As mothers we build a home for our children. Your words about your mom are heartfelt and tender. Thank you for sharing your heart.