
Showing posts from May, 2021

A Legacy of Love

    This lovely lady has now gone to be with Jesus. She is reunited with her parents, brothers, sister and many other loved ones. She is my mother’s sister, my Aunt Judy. She was my Grandpa’s birthday gift born on his 26th birthday. My earliest recollections of my Aunt is spending sunny Summer days with her at a hotel pool, while she visited with my Mom. At Aunt Judy’s hotel room, I was allowed to drink soda pop and eat junk food that was not offered to me that frequently any other time of the year. I would listen as she and my Mom swapped stories and laughed. My Mom would laugh until she cried when she was with her older sister. I loved being with my Aunt so much that one year I faked a stomachache, and got picked up from school. So,I could spend the day with my Mom and my Aunt. My Mom was not happy with me when she realized that I was faking.           My Aunt Judy did not know a stranger. She would talk to people while waiting in line at the store. ...

Five Minute Friday No More Excuses about Anger

I am good at making excuses about why I get aggravated with my kids. The house is really noisy, or my youngest daughters room is messy. The kids are bickering over something silly again. My kids spend a significant chunk of their Summer vacation, with their Dad, and each Summer I miss the noise. The house is much to quiet. I miss seeing the happy evidence of my daughter playing. Her plastic ponies are not all over her Florida bedroom floor in the middle of July. I even miss the sound of my kids bickering because it is a part of the sounds of life. I am learning it is natural to get aggravated. Frustration and irritation are a part of life. I don’t want aggravation to be an excuse that causes me to forget how very blessed I am to be my children’s Mama. My mom has an angry Mama microwave cleaner. You put water and a little vinegar inside the plastic angry mama. You place it in the microwave, and turn the microwave on. The heat from the microwave will  turn the water and vinegar into ...

Five Minute Friday Middle

This is the the kind of messy middle that I am accustomed to. My children destroying- I mean playing-in their room. It doesn’t matter whether it is a middle of a play date, the middle of an art project, or the middle of making dinner, middles can be messy. In the midst of the messy middle, I need to remember that God promises to never leave me. He is right there with me in the mess. I can call out to him and ask Him for grace and peace. “Twas Grace has led me safe thus far and grace will lead me home.”  I am sharing this as a part of the#hopewriterlife challenge and a #fmfparty prompt.

Five Minute Friday She

Most giving person I know Opens her heart and her home Tells it like it is, because she cares so much Helps me anytime I need her to Encouragement and laughter on hard days Reminds me that when I am with her I am home. Mom, you have always said that I will always  have a home. Thank you for welcoming me and your grandchildren back home, and for everything that you and Dad have do for me and your grandkids every day. You are an amazing Mom. You encourage me and inspire me. I love you very much, and I hope you have a wonderful Mother’s Day. I am thankful to be home spending the day with you.

Five Minute Friday Remedy

          I want a remedy for my problems. I want a way to make things easier. I have been a follower of Jesus since I was seven years old. I know Jesus is the answer. It doesn’t stop me from trying to handle things my own way, or trying to pretend the problem doesn’t exist. Maybe it will go away. I am prone to procrastination. I will thank about it tomorrow. In reality, I need to bring my cares to Jesus. I need more and more of Him. I need more of Him than I need more time, more energy, more quiet, or more peace. He is my Peace. He holds all things together. When I need a remedy may I remember to run to my Savior.