Five Minute Friday Broken

           This weekend I will be reminded of my brokenness. I will be reminded of my broken marriage. My kids are spending the weekend with their Dad. It is interesting that I think more about the fact that I am a single Mom, while my children are visiting their Dad than while there here with me. When my kids are home with me, I am busy caring for them, living life with them and enjoying the time I spend time with them. When they are visiting their Dad the house is much too quiet. I am thankful that God promises to be with me. He is with me the chaotic and loud days of this single Mom life, He is also with me on the quiet lonely days when I am missing my kids. On Saturday, I will be looking forward to Sunday night and my kids stories that they will tell me of their adventures with their Dad.


  1. I'm sure it's really hard having an empty house and the pain of a broken relationship.
    Thank you for sharing so openly and for that lovely song. Hugs.

    1. Thank you for stopping by Corrine. I hope you have a lovely weekend.

  2. Love this. Our daughter has just started your journey. Even we as grandparents feel the loneliness. Praying for your Sunday nights to be extra special. And always remember, you may be the everyday business parent, but those kiddos will remember your faithfulness.

    1. Thank you for the encouragement, and for sharing a little bit of your daughter’s story. Your words felt like a hug. I hope you have a lovely weekend.

  3. Sending you love and encouragement. Thank you for sharing your story. Thankful for the God who never leaves us. Deirdre FMF #3.

  4. I am so thankful that God never leaves us. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  5. I remember after my divorce
    the house was so, so quiet,
    and I could hear the neighbour's horse
    complaining of his diet.
    And, oh, my, I envied him
    with his pasture and his stall,
    not beholden to the grim
    and gray distemper of it all.
    Thus my learning had to start,
    that I was much as fault as she,
    and my harder, colder heart
    called forth from hell this misery
    placing foolish pride above
    this broken thing that once was love.

    Happy ending...we were remarried a year later, in a helicopter over the Vegas a Catholic priest


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