Five Minute Friday Savor the Sunshine

           My children had the week off from school for Spring Break last week. We spent many days savoring the sunshine as my kids scootered and skated the sidewalks of our neighborhood. We also played many games of “Go Fish.” We went to a ice cream shop on one day, and enjoyed Hungry Howie’s pizza on another. I really enjoyed the quality time that  I spent with my children while they were on Spring Break. I love the opportunities to make memories with them, and I relish listening to their “remember when” stories. What moments have you been savoring lately?


  1. I'm delighted you had such a good time with your youngsters. :) visiting from FMF24

  2. Time with the children is truly time to savour - they grow so fast!
    Visiting from FMF #22

  3. I agree with Corinne. They grow so fast. Sounds like you made some happy memories during spring break.


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