Five Minute Friday Redeem

            I used to think that because I put so much of my heart , my energy,  my identity into making a relationship work, that God would redeem that relationship. In the past three years, I have learned that God’s ways are higher than my ways, and that God’s redemptive work looks different than I pictured it. There is a line in a song that I have been thinking about recently. “ And all the questions that I swore I would ask Words just won't come yet.” I have realized that part of moving forward is laying down all of my questions and what if’s and simply being thankful for the many blessings in my life. It is taking a step back and being thankful for the way God has led me through seasons of sadness, and rejoicing that sorrow may last for the night but his joy comes in the morning. (Psalm 30:5) What brings you joy today?


  1. yes, it begins by laying it all down before Him. He is so faithful! Thank you for sharing on FMF! (sorry about my previous comment, it published too soon!)

    1. He is so faithful! Thank you for stopping by. I hope you have a wonderful day!

  2. I wonder if sometimes for God
    there are songs that can't be sung,
    there are things that leave Him awed,
    and the words just will not come.
    I wonder, as the men ran towards
    the looming blazing groaning towers,
    was He at a loss for words,
    did His silence last for hours,
    just as we were stricken dumb
    by courage in the tragedy,
    did He for that brief time become
    just like you and just like me,
    and stand in silence that was grace
    as the tears rolled down His face?

    1. It brings me so much comfort to know that Jesus wept. He knew that He would raise Lazarus from the dead but he still grieved for His friend. Thank you for sharing this beautiful poem. I am praying for you and Barb.-Jolene

    2. "Jesus wept" is my favourite Scripture (and NOT because it's easiest to memorize!).

      We're so grateful for your prayers.


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