Five Minute Friday Possible

           “That’s a possibility.”,is one of my Dad’s favorite phrases. Ever since I was a little girl I would run and ask my Daddy all sorts of what if questions. His answer most often has been, “That’s a possibility.” Too many possibilities often leaves me with decision fatigue. I want make the right choice. I have made bad choices before, and I want to choose what is best for me and my children. This the reason that I love Emily Freeman’s advice, “Do the next right thing in love.” Breaking decisions down to one choice at a time halts the train of “what if” thinking and makes the decision making process more manageable. I want to view possibilities positively and not as something scary or overwhelming. Do possibilities excite you or scare you? Have you ever felt decision fatigue? I would love to read your thoughts in the comments.


  1. Oh dear friend! I routinely and siginifcantly suffer from decision fatigue. It's become a joke in my house that my husband and I ask earlier and earlier each day "what do you want for dinner?" so that it's the other person's responsibility to make that decision. But it's not always funny. Dinner? That's one thing. The thousands of other decisions? That's another. One could easily be lost in the labrynth of possibilities.

    Amie, FMF #30

    1. My parents laugh at me that I frequently let my kids chose what is for dinner. I frequently let them chose for a couple of reasons. One is one less decision I have to make, and secondarily, if they choose it, they will more likely eat it without complaining. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  2. "Breaking decisions down to one choice at a time halts the train of “what if” thinking and makes the decision making process more manageable. I want to view possibilities positively and not as something scary or overwhelming." Thank you for the practical advice. I struggle with decision fatigue often and when given too many options or when I have many decisions to make all at once it can be paralyzing. I'll try to remember to take it one choice at a time.

    Kristina, FMF #29

    1. Yes, I know this happens to me, and I have seen it happen to my kids too. It is easy to get overwhelmed by the number of choices. I hope you have a great weekend!

  3. I've been reading a lot of Emily P Freeman lately! I love her podcast too -- such soothing words and voice. Decision-making has not been difficult for me, yet I relate to the "what if" thinking and the anxiety that can come with the felt pressures of choosing wisely. In general, I'm learning to pay attention to my thoughts and where they're leading me. It's making all the difference emotionally!

    Shelley, FMF #35

    1. I find it helpful to be curious about my thoughts and emotions. If I feel a strong reaction to something, asking myself, “Why do I feel this way?” Has proven very therapeutic for me.I hope you have a good weekend.


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