Facing the Monster of Comparison (Book Review for Befriending Your Monsters)

           This year I have been enjoying reading books that encourage growth toward my goal of moving forward, which is #Oneword365 for the year. Luke Norsworthy’s “Befriending Your Monsters” is one such book. Luke describes a monster as something that hinders you from becoming who God created you to be. He shares hard truths, such as, “Adversity is required for growth.” ,and that there is a cost for growth. As someone who sometimes feels insecure, Luke reminded me that the opposite of insecurity is contentment. The monster of comparison causes us to forget who we are created to be. 

         Luke encourages his readers to be grounded in God’s love as the way to live your best life. He reminds us that gratitude in today’s world takes effort. Gratitude helps us realize that gifts are given to us by God’s grace. One of my favorite quotes in the book states, “Go where you don’t want to go, beyond the shallow symptoms, and what you will find is your monster. You will also find the loving God who is drawing you there. You will find God’s desire for you no longer to be conformed to the image that fear has contorted you into, but to be transformed into the healing power of love.” I would recommend this book to anyone who has ever felt the pull of comparison, the desire to have more, be more or do more, or the need for others to view you as successful. As a recovering people pleaser I found the chapters about comparison very helpful. What have you been reading recently?

I received this book for free as part of #BakerBookBloggers. All opinions are my own.


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