Day 27 Five Minute Friday When tempted to listen to the green eyed monster

           Comparison and jealousy can throw an obstacle on the path of moving forward. I cannot be focused on God and the proverbial grass that I think is greener in my neighbors yard at the same time. If I am focused on God, He will give me the grace to rejoice with others who have something to celebrate even on days that I wish my view was a little brighter. I also need to remember that when I am tempted by the green eyed monster, that I need to tell him to take a hike, and count my blessings instead. What is something that you are thankful for today?


  1. I love this! How true that we can’t focus on God and the imagined greener grass at the same time! A great reminder for me!

    1. Thank you Cindy, I hope you have a great weekend.

  2. So true - eyes on Him and everything else falls into its proper place.
    Your FMF Neighbour #41

    1. Yes, it is all about what we choose to focus on. I hope you have a lovely weekend,

  3. I love Rend Collective and this song!


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