Day 3 Being teachable in 2021

           I am not always teachable. Sometimes I just want my own way. Parenting has been humbling in that regard because some of the very behaviors that I correct in my children are behaviors that I also do. I have found that I need to apologize often. I thank God for do overs. I am so thankful that His mercies are new every morning. I love the idea of God’s word being at home in me. I want God’s word to permeate every part of my being. If I am filled up with Him I am equipped to teach my children and encourage others with whomI may come into contact. If I desire to be filled up with God’s word I need to study it daily. I need to make this a priority this year. What comes to mind when you hear the word teach? I would love to read your thoughts in the comments.


  1. To teach is allow God to use you as an instrument for the purposes of someone else's learning.

  2. When I hear the word teach I think of work ;). I used to think I taught my students, but now I’m convinced I mostly learn from them.


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