Day 12 Awestruck by God’s love

             Last Thursday was a hard day for me. It was sad day, and in a house full of family members who loved me, I felt lonely. I needed to remember how much God loved me. I opened up the Bible app on my phone and read verses that reminded me of God’s love. I then made a playlist of every song I could think of that described the never ending love of God. Listening to and singing along with these songs brought tears to my eyes. I am awestruck by God’s love for me. His love is such an amazing gift that I want to be mindful of everyday. Oh, how he loves us so!



  1. This is one of my favorite Crowder songs. <3 Glad you found comfort in the great love of God during a lonely time.

  2. Sorry you had a rough day, I am glad that you sought God's presence and love during that time.


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