Day 11 Try New Things Once

              I like predictably. I like routines. I do not have much of an adventurous spirit. I laugh that my girls are much more open to trying new things than I am. Their motto is to try things once. I have ridden roller coasters at theme parks because my children have wanted to go on them. I have researched and then participated in activities that my kids have wanted to try. My eldest daughter and I have even discovered we both enjoy sushi because she had always wanted to try it. I am thankful that my children are adventurous and they encourage me to be a more adventurous person


  1. Good advice! Children have a way of making us more adventuresome. Visiting from #FMF

    1. My children have certainly made me more adventurous. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  2. Children see life through a freedom that us adults can take many clues from. #FMF 17

  3. I love your willingness to try things for your children's sake. And, dare I say, sometimes you'll need to try things twice. =)

    Amie, FMF #34

    1. Yes, especially if it is something that you know is good for you. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  4. Lovely although your braver than me when it comes to roller coasters. We are their role model visiting from fmf #6

    1. My daughters know that their enthusiasm is contagious. It is hard for me to say no when they are really excited about something. :-)

  5. I'm glad you are willing to try these things with your kids!

    1. I am glad too. I try to be a "yes" mom as much as possible.

  6. I'll try MOST things once (not meat, though, I don't want to ever try it!). But you're right, we need to have a spirit of adventure because we never know what we may actually enjoy :).

    1. I am so thankful for any opportunity to make fun memories with my kids. My kids all the time ask me, "Mom do you remember when we . . ." I love those stories!

  7. What fun you must have experiencing new things with your girls.

    1. And my boy too. He just isn't quite as daring as his sisters. :-)

  8. Thank you for stopping by, I hope you have a beautiful day!

  9. You are much braver than me when it comes to roller coasters and sushi.
    Visiting from #5


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