Five Minute Friday Fix

           I admit that there have been many times in the past six years that I have prayed that God would fix my situation. I have seen God work and make a way where there was no way. One of the lessons I am learning is to fix my eyes on God instead of my circumstances. If my eyes are on Jesus, my circumstances do not seem so scary. If my eyes are on Jesus, I remember to be thankful for the myriad blessings in my life even in the middle of hard situations. May I remember to fix my eyes on Jesus the author and finisher of my faith. As a song by Scott Krippayne states , "Sometimes he calms the storm. Other times He calms His child"



  1. I was praying for many years for a breakthrough in a certain situation. This finally happened in 2020. Your break through will come and God is using this time to his glory. It is hard in tough times not to do things in our strength but you are so right we need to keep those eyes fixed on God and let him fix the situation. I pray your breakthrough comes quickly. Visiting from fmf #4

    1. Thank you for the reminder that God is using this time for His glory. I hope that you have a great weekend!

  2. Either way He can bring the "calm"...that's the blessing!!

    1. Yes, I am thankful that Jesus is the only true source of calmness and peace. I hope that you have a wonderful weekend.

  3. Amen... Love that line (and that song!) and the truth it holds! Continuing to pray for you, friend!

    1. Thank you Karrilee! I am so grateful for friends who pray for me.

  4. Yes, amen! Over the past year this is something God has really been reminding me of.
    I love the quote from Elisabeth Elliot:
    "The secret is Christ in me, not me in a different set of circumstances."

    Annie FMF#34

  5. Amen! The Lord took us on similar themes. We even referenced the same scripture. Blessings to you, Jolene!


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