2020 Year in review

           In the following paragraphs, I am going to look back on the year 2020. I looked back through pictures and emails to help me remember the memories that stood out for me in the year 2020.

          On January 5th, my children returned home from  their cross country trip visiting their Dad. My favorite tween wore a dress and dressed up for coming home. This touched my heart as dresses aren't usually her favorite attire. Also in January we participated in fun school extracurricular activities. We did not know that the extracurricular activities would soon be coming to an end for a while.

          In February we baked cookies in honor of Valentine's Day. We love baking and decorating cookies as a family. We also had family time celebrating my Mom's birthday.

        In March, schools here in Florida shut down and distance learning began. I am very proud of my kids who work hard in less than ideal circumstances.

          In April, I was invited by a Pastor friend in New Mexico to join a community group meeting by zoom. The friendships I have made in this group have been a huge unexpected blessing. We also celebrated Easter this year with a nice dinner and a at home Easter egg hunt.

          In May, we celebrated my birthday and Mothers Day. I remember my children being especially excited about the birthday cake. We also used the slip n slide for the first of many times this year. At the end of May we celebrated the end of a very different 4th quarter of the school year.

          In June, we celebrated my oldest daughter officially becoming a tween. The last eleven years have gone by so fast. We also spent time riding scooters and walking down to our favorite neighborhood park. This park has beautiful trees the children love to climb. We love spending the day here.

          My memories from July include spending time with my Mom and Dad and my siblings, and my children coming home from a visit with their Dad. I had missed them so much and I looked forward to some Summer fun with them in August. 

          In August, we celebrated my nephews and my son's birthday in with family birthday parties. We also enjoyed our last few weeks of Summer going on scooter rides and walks to the park.

           In September, We celebrated my sister in love's birthday and my youngest daughter's birthday. We also began our school year hone learning style. 

          In October, We used the slip n slide for the last time in 2020, This is one of the benefits of living in Florida. We have hot days even in October. We also had a fun Halloween party with our family. My children were a wolf, a quidditch player, and a devil this year on Halloween.

          In November, we celebrated Thanksgiving with our family. It was a wonderful day catching up with family. My Mom and Dad made a delicous Thanksgiving dinner. After dinner we took my brother and nephew to the "tree park" in our neighborhood. The children loved showing their Uncle and cousin their favorite place to play in the neighborhood.  That weekend we also went swimming at the campground my sister, brother-in-love and neice were spending the holiday weekend. 

         In December we made Christmas cookies, and put up the Christmas tree and other decorations. We also had fun scooter rides. We play board games as a family most weekends. All of us except my youngest stayed up to ring in 2021. I asked my children about some of their favorite things as we close 2020. My youngest loves her Unicorn Operation game. My two oldest enjoy playing the board game Jumanji. My children said that some of their favorite memories this year was swimming, an activity that they enjoyed both here in Florida and when they were with their Dad in New Mexico. I am thankful for the lessons about resting in His peace and slowing down and having fun with my children. What memories stood out to you from 2020?


  1. Jolene, I love your look back over your year. There are lots of family fun times and learning and birthday celebrating. I think sometimes we forget about things at the end of a year. It's nice to remind ourselves through photos, etc, of these memories. Blessings to you!

    1. I love the practice of taking time to remember the good memories and blessings of the year. Thank you for stopping by Gayl!


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