My conclusion concerning shalom

        My #Oneword365 for 2020 was shalom. I  had no idea at the beginning of 2020 how much I would need shalom this year. As I have been focusing on shalom, I realized that shalom does not come in being passive. If I just let my thoughts freely flow than many times my thoughts will not be peaceful. I need to chose to Trust God , and *I need to chose to be thankful. I need to chose daily to lay down things at Jesus' feet that I struggle with wanting to carry on my own. Shalom may mean focusing on the peace that comes from God even when everything else in life does not seem peaceful.  It mean choosing to give someone the benefit of the doubt, or not worrying so much what other people think or me.  Shalom is found in forgiving others because I have been forgiven so much by God.  I have learned that Shalom means running to the Prince of Peace instead of trying to find cheap imposters for peace. As we reach the conclusion of 2020, may I remember these lessons I have learned from the word shalom. May God continue to remind that He is the source of true shalom in the coming year.




  1. Our only sure and present help & PEACE!

  2. This sounds like such a helpful word for 2020 - peace is what we all need! And I love your reflection that we have to be intentional in seeking it. It is definitely not the direction our thoughts naturally drift in. Visiting from FMF #15.

  3. I'm your neighbor at FMF this week - I love the word shalom, it's so rich in meaning! And what a beautiful word to have this year, much needed indeed. May you be blessed in abundance, shalom from Aliyah #18

  4. Shalom is not a passive thing,
    shalom must be a choice
    proclimed aloud, shout or sing
    with whole heart and whole voice.
    Shalom is not for you alone;
    shalom will aid the weak;
    for past pride it will atone,
    and stand you with the meek.
    Shalom's a benediction,
    and shalom's a vow
    of future's bold prediction
    that we can't see now,
    but hold it tight and hold it fast,
    and shalom will one day come to pass.

  5. A good word. Thanks for sharing.
    (Visiting from #35)


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