Five Minute Friday Beyond

Romans 11:33-36

Oh, the depth of the riches and swisdom
 and knowledge of God! tHow unsearchable are his judgments and how inscrutable his ways!

34  For uwho has known the mind of the

or vwho has been his counselor?

35  Or wwho has given a gift to him

that he might be repaid?

36 For xfrom him and through him and to
 him are all things. yTo him be glory forever. Amen.

          The fact that the glory of God is beyond my comprehension is what I thought of when I read that the Five Minute Friday prompt this week was beyond. Actually as many moms, my first thought was of Buzz Lightyear's quote, "To infinity and beyond." I am thankful for God's infinite nature. He is God and I am not. It is okay that there are some things that I can not wrap my mind around. God's love and grace are beyond my comprehension. This knowledge draws me in closer to Him. As the line in the hymn, "Tis so Sweet to Trust in Jesus" states, "But for grace to trust Him more."


  1. ' I am thankful for God's infinite nature - same! It's comforting to know that the depths of His knowledge are beyond my comprehension. Wemi, visiting from FMF #4

  2. Wouldn't it be great if more of us believers thought like Buzz Lightyear. =)

    Amie, FMF #8

    1. So funny to see you mention Buzz as he came into my mind as I finished writing my post :)

  3. Such a good reminder that God is beyond my understanding. May I come to trust Him more and more. I was humming that same hymn a few days ago. May we come "to rest upon His promise!"

  4. Amen. You definitely summed up what a lot of us feel. I often find myself contemplating the glory of God, and the fact that he is " I Am" not I was but " I Am". My measly human brain gets all jumbled up, in trying with strength to comprehend his glory with his " I Am", but I try, and it's very humbling.
    Visit from FMF#9

  5. I love that your first thought was "Infinity & Beyond." I love Toy Story and Buzz!!!!

  6. We can't see past the horizon,
    and that's best, as I have found,
    'cause foreknowledge can be poison,
    and that's why the world is round.
    But God is a little taller,
    and His eyes have seen it all;
    He is our life-square-dance caller,
    and He knows each sparrow's fall,
    so I'll trust Him for the journey
    that it seems I soon must take,
    through death's door unto eternity
    trusting Him for His own sake
    to mend my world-shattered soul,
    bind the wounds, and make me whole.

  7. so much of God is beyond our comprehension isn't it? And yet... his love for us shines through always.

  8. "I am thankful for God's infinite nature. He is God and I am not. It is okay that there are some things that I can not wrap my mind around. God's love and grace are beyond my comprehension."

    Yes, amen! I too am so thankful for God's infinite love and grace. And I love that we can spend eternity getting to know him and we will never reach the end of who he is.

    Annie FMF#20


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