There is Hope Ahead

           When I read the word ahead, I thought of a book that greatly encouraged me on my journey of healing  Hope Ahead by Barb Mulvey and Cris Paulson. This book reminded that in the middle of shattered promises, in the midst of broken dreams that there is hope ahead. I am so thankful that my hope does not have to be in temporal things. "My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness." I am grateful that I have this hope that is an anchor for my soul. Our God does not change. His compassion never fail. Nothing comes as a surprise to God. He is with us each step of the way. Because of God\"s love for each of us there is truly hope ahead.


  1. Yes! We have nothing to fear because we don't have to put our faith in man.

    1. This is very true, and something I need to preach to myself daily. Thank you for stopping by Anita.

  2. They say that there is nowt to fear,
    that God's good times, they lie ahead,
    but I know I must face drear
    and desperate days before I'm dead.
    My gol-durned body's shutting down,
    and nothing works, well, as it should,
    and though I still don't wear a frown
    I'm on the cusp of nothing good.
    Somewhere on the other side
    of what must come there is a dawn,
    but really, I would like to hide
    from the road that I'm still on.
    I ask that you please pray, my friend,
    that honour bright, I'll face my end.

    1. I am sorry that things are bleak and painful. I am praying and will continue to pray for you and Barb. I pray that You feel God's loving presence even on the dark days.

  3. Such a reassuring thought >>> no matter what lies ahead, our God has gone ahead of us. Blessings!

  4. Amen. one of my favorite hymns too! He is faithful therefore we can rest in that.

    1. Yes, God is faithful. I love songs about his faithfulness. They are such an encouragement in hard seasons.

  5. Thank you for the book suggestion and your encouraging words! (Karen, visiting from FMF #10)

  6. One of my favorite hymns. I've also been playing On Christ The Solid Rock I Stand pretty much on repeat. All other ground is indeed sinking sand. Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Yes, I love how timeless hymns are. These songs are hundreds of years old and are so full of truth and encouragment.


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