Five Minute Friday Vote

          I am thankful for the right to vote, and that I can teach my children history of voting on the US. My children and I discussed the fact that women have only been able to vote in this country for a century. I had one child tell me that they knew this already. This child was unimpressed with the history lesson. My children will sometimes complain when choices are made for them. They would like the opportunity to make choices for themselves. I have told them that even adults don't always get to choose various things that may happen in our lives. Sometimes I wish hard choices were made for me.  There have been times where the multitude of choices have overwhelmed me. This is when I focus on a lesson I learned from Emily Freeman's book 'The Next Right Thing." Choose to do the next right thing in love. For me right now, that is to admire the art that my children are creating at the kitchen table. What is your next right thing?


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