Five Minute Friday Grief

           "But, I don\"t want to write about grief." I thought as I read Kate\"s Five Minute Friday post this week. I know deep in my soul grief is a necessary part of healing, but it was one that I would much rather skip if I’m being totally honest. I have people counting on me. I don’t have time to fall apart I tell myself. I got to keep moving. I need to distract myself. If I start crying how will I make myself stop. I am ashamed that this still hurts. It has been almost three years. He has moved on. Life has moved on. Why is it so hard for me to move forward? In these moments I need to remember that God is with me. I need to remember that there is no set time table for grief. I need to stop holding on and just be held.


  1. There is often a bit of grief that stays with us when hard things come. A beautiful reminder that we are in the nook of God's arm and he will hold us.

    1. Yes, I love the way you put that. We are in the nook of God's arm and He will hold us. "The Lord is my shepherd. I shall not be in want." I hope you have a lovely weekend.

  2. I think there were many of us who didn't want to write about grief, even if for different reasons. Grief has its own time table which can vary from person to person. Upon seeing the word prompt, this was the verse which came to mind: “You have turned my mourning into joyful dancing. You have taken away my clothes of mourning and clothed me with joy, that I might sing praises to you and not be silent. O Lord my God, I will give you thanks forever!” (Psalm 30:11-12, NLT) Praying He brings joy to your soul and healing to your heart!

    1. Thank you for sharing that beautiful verse from Psalms. I hope that you have a beautiful weekend.

  3. Grief comes in waves, as they say. And as anyone who has been in the ocean has learned, you never know when it will hit you next. It's ok to not be ok. Stay close to God, my friend.

    Amie, FMF #16

    1. Yes, I am so glad that God gave us each other (the whole family of believers) to encourage and build each other up.

  4. Jolene, is this you? God bless you girl. God is moving forward with you - hold tightly to His hand and let Him lead you - He has a plan to prosper you and not harm you to give you a Hope and a Future. I love you xo

    1. I love you too Susan! Yes, it is me, Jolene. I think I was feeling a little sleep deprived and blue this morning. Writing the blog post was cathartic, and reading all the love in the comments has been a beautiful blessing. I hope you have a lovely week preparing for Thanksgiving.

  5. Sorrow likes to tear your heart
    into small sad pieces,
    rip God-given days apart,
    and establish leases
    upon a future once held dear,
    but now a dull dark wall
    that displays both shame and fear,
    and casts long-shadowed pall
    upon the you that might have been,
    but it seems will be no more,
    and it seems quite like a sin
    to hold some hope in store.
    But, friend, know that this is true;
    if you let go, He will hold you.

    1. Andrew your poem brought tears to my eyes. I save these poems that you share on my blog posts to reflect on later. Thank you so much for the encouragement. I am praying for you and Barb!

    2. Jolene, I'm so honoured. You are in our prayers; you're truly an inspiration.

  6. Jolene, I did not want to write about grief either. I just stared and stared at the laptop screen for a long time it seemed. Thank you so much for sharing. to God be the glory. Blessings.
    Visit from FMF#15

    1. Yes, I stared at the screen for a while too. And then I decided to write what I was feeling. I am glad that I did. Writing it all out was freeing. I hope you have a lovely Thanksgiving.

  7. praying for God's nearness to you in the grief.

    1. Thank you Mariel. I hope you have a lovely week preparing for Thanksgiving.

  8. Totally agree. We need to be held in the grief. Love the song. God bless Loretta fmf #2

    1. Thank you Loretta. I hope you have a lovely Thanksgiving.


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