Five Minute Friday Grateful

 I am grateful for the delicious food and fun times spent with family yesterday. Thank you Mom and Dad for a super yummy dinner. I am thankful that my brother, niece and nephew, my kids and I scootered/ skateboarded down the road to our neighborhood park. I was thoroughly entertained by my 20 year old nephew’s gymnastic skills crossing a tree laden park solely by climbing across the trees. I am grateful that my niece and I played the game Clue with my kids. I am thankful for a fun game of rummy, even if my score was in the negative numbers. I am grateful my brother and sister in love brought my kids doughnuts for breakfast this morning. These are a few of the memories that I will have of Thanksgiving 2020. I am thankful for my family. I love them so much What are you thankful for today?


  1. It wouldn't be a proper Thanksgiving weekend without taking a moment to say that I am grateful for leftovers. =)

    Amie, FMF #10

    1. Yes, me too. I won't have to plan or prepare any meals this weekend with all of the leftovers. Thank you for stopping by.

  2. There are so many boons that God
    has placed into my days;
    some sharp-defined, some rather broad,
    but all deserve my praise
    and gratitude ofr the bright gift
    I'm given, every mile
    that provides paradigm-shift
    from frown into a smile.
    Ye, I'll die of cancer;
    it's what I'm headed towar,
    but meanwhile I'm a dancer
    like David, for the Lord,
    and in the rhythm of my feet
    the devil finds his loss complete.

    1. Your words reminded me of a song. Have you ever heard this song, Andrew?

      I'll Dance Like David Danced

      I am praying for you and Barb.


    2. Jolene, I LOVE LOVE LOVE this!!!!!!! Thank you so MUCH!

  3. I'm grateful that we just have one week left in the semester--I work at a boarding school, and we opened our doors on August 17 and the kids haven't gone home since then. Most of them live on reservations where COVID is pretty bad. No one on campus has gotten sick (we've been social distancing with each other since August). God is good!

    1. God is good all the time. I am praying protection over the kids as they go on break. Thank you for sharing Anita!

  4. grateful for a faithful God who is ever present.

  5. Lovely post.
    Thanks for sharing the memories of what sounds like a very blessed Thanksgiving.
    (visiting from #33)


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