Five Minute Friday Hold

     One truth that I remind myself of often is that I don't need to try to hold everything together, God does. God holds everything together, and He loves each of us more than we can imagine. My daughter was talking to me this morning about how love connects her to family members that live on the other side of the country. I am glad that she can rely on these connections. I am glad that my daughter knows that she has many family members that love her. May these relationships continue to be a place of love and support as she grows older.


  1. What wonderful encouragement for mothers! Thank you!

  2. I think when I finally learnt it is ok not to hold it together and that I am the person God made me to be I found a real freedom. So grateful God holds everything as I can be one heck of a mess at times and he keeps it all together for me. Lovely post fmf #6

  3. What a blessing it is that we don't have to try and hold everything together in our own strength!



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