Five Minute Friday Disappoint

          I hate disappointing people. Whether it be disappointing God, my kids, my parents, other family members or friends, it grieves me to hear disappointment in their voice or to see an expression of disappointment on their face. It is hard for me to pray if I know I disappointed God. If my Dad told me that he was disappointed in me as a kid, it would cause me to want to fix the situation and make it right. I have learned that being humble and saying I'm sorry is important first step when I have disappointed someone. Also making an effort to make the situation better is vital in relieving the sting of disappointment. When it is a situation that I cannot fix offering grace and love and just being present with the disappointed person is a way to comfort others on a disappointing day. How do you deal with life's disappointments? I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments.


  1. I've learned to lower my expectations! People will always disappoint but God NEVER!

    1. Yes, this is so true! Thank you for stopping by Susan,


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