Five Minute Friday Breathe

          Today, as I was thinking of the word breathe I thought of the line from Matt Redman’s song, “Your Grace Finds Me.” Matt sings, “I am breathing in Your grace. I’m breathing out Your praise.” I need to immerse myself  in the grace of God to have an attitude of praise. I too often lose sight of God’s grace and then I wonder why I feel so tired, cranky, and defeated. I need to remember whose I am. I need to spend quiet time with God abiding with Him drinking in His Truth. This is the air I breathe.



  1. Most definitely we all need to immerse ourselves in praise
    Loretta FMF #4

    1. Thank you for stopping by Loretta. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  2. Some say it is a mystery
    (and Barb sure thinks it's odd)
    that stuck in cancer's misery
    I'm still a-thankin' God.
    I thank Him for the church in Rome,
    I thank Him for the Pope,
    I thank Him for my parish home
    where I find love and hope.
    I thank Him for the rising sun,
    I thank Him for the moon
    and for folk who think I've come
    to be a Papist loon.
    But I'm most thankful for the chance
    to have a heart that still can dance.

    1. Your poems are such a gift Andrew! I am praying for you and Barb.

  3. A perfect line for this prompt - and for me this afternoon. I may (or may not) have heard this song (I need to listen to the video) but that one line is powerful!


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