My Identity is Found in my Relationship with God.

 Romans 11:29

For the gifts and calling of God are irrevocable.

          The above verse is one that I needed to preach to myself daily. I received some news last month that I should have expected, but even though I knew it was coming it really upset me. In moments like these, it is very easy for me to focus on my flaws and failures or my circumstances. I need to turn my eyes on Jesus and focus on my Savior and his great love for me. My eldest daughter reminded me the other day that our significance comes from God. Each of us is a dearly loved child of God. There is only one relationship on which I should base my identity- my relationship with Jesus. Other relationships change and some are broken. God does not change. His compassion is new every morning. When I am feeling rejected or alone, I need to remember God's promises that I am loved and that He will never leave me.


  1. Jolene, this is an important reminder for how to press on and Who to place our focus on. Thank you for sharing. It's so important to know who we are.

    1. Yes, this is a lesson I keep relearning.Thank you for.stopping by.



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