I Am Your Child God!

           The word Yours was my #OneWord365 for 2017. I needed this word during that season of my life, as it was my last full year living in an abusive situation. Reminding myself that I and my children belonged to God gave me the courage to leave my toxic marriage and make a fresh start and a cross country move to be close to family in my home state. The truth that I belong to God, that my children and extended family belong to God has comforted me a great deal the past three years. I am so thankful that I can rest in the assurance that I am God's child.


  1. There is great peace in allowing ourselves to belong to God.

    Amie, FMF #16

  2. You are so a child of God. I think when we all realise this it really does change situations and transform lives. It really sounds like you made the right choice. God bless visiting from fmf #27 x


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