Five Minute Friday Could

   My first thoughts on the word could is that my Dad read me, "The Little Engine that Could" as a child. It is funny the things that pop up in my mind as I think about the word could. I also think of all the times that I forget what I was doing because one of my children ask me something. I am reminded of the quote, "She thought she could and almost did, but then, someone asked for a snack and she forgot what she was doing." My youngest once she decides that she is hungry will follow me around repeatedly telling me she is hungry while I fix her and her siblings a meal. I admit that I don't ways handle interruptions well, but I want to handle them with more grace. I am learning to stop focusing on all the things I could be doing or should be doing and instead focus on my children. I want to appreciate the little ordinary moments with my kids. These are the moments I will look back on one day. 


  1. I can picture your daughter following you around. I like that children’s book.

    1. Thank you Tara! I hope that you are doing well. Thank you for stopping by.

  2. Don’t worry, a few more years and your daughter will feed herself. Then you’ll find yourself saying, “COULD you not stand with the refrigerator door open?” =)

    Amie, FMF #12

    1. Yes, my oldest daughter loves standing with the refrigerator door open. My youngest likes to follow me around. 😊Thank you for stopping by.

  3. I think all mum (Sorry a UK mum) relate to this. At the stage where telling my youngest to constantly close the fridge door properly. Enjoy all these moments. Great though God bless @fmf#4

  4. Your post made me smile. Kids grow up so fast, you are wise to focus on enjoying all these moments now. As you say, these are the moments you will look back on one day.
    Visiting from #35


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