Five Minute Friday Respect

          I have been thinking a great deal about respect this week. My children have just returned from a five week vacation with their father. We had a bumpy start getting back into our new routine. I want my children to respect me and my parents, their grandparents because we also live them, I also need to remember that I need to show them respect and lead by example. If I want to teach them kindness, I need to model kindness. If I want to teach them dignity than I need to behave in a dignified manner. I want strength and dignity to be my clothing as referenced in Proverbs 31. If I want God to be their refuge and peace, I need to live my life taking refuge in God. It is not a formula, just because I live this way does not mean that my children will pick up these traits, but I do want to live them out because more is caught than taught. Do you have any tips on living a life of respect? I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments.  



  1. Modeling the behaviors we want our children to follow impresses on them the correct way to respond in a variety of situations. Along with the modeling comes instruction as well because some kids just don't catch on as quickly. I enjoyed your post. You were next to me on Five-Minute-Friday. Topic was Respect.

    1. Thank you Janis. I need the instruction needs to be gentle. I sometimes get frustrated when my kids don't catch on. Thank you for stopping by.

  2. I think you’ve already figured out a key component, that you need to be respectful if you want your kids to learn that behavior. My pastor has said that you can’t pray your kids into heaven. I think you also can’t pray certain behavior into them. These days there are so many opportunities to show respect - how we act, but also how we talk around people come to mind immediately. May God grant you the wisdom you seek in this area.

    Amie, FMF #12

    1. Thank you Amie. May I submit to God's leading as I guide and instruct my children. I hope you have a great day.


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