Five Minute Friday Smile

         My children's smiles make me so happy. Whether their smiles are goofy, shy, excited or sly I love watching my children's faces light up with a smile. I recently began a new practice writing down the things that cause my children to smile. I want to be a noticer. I want to notice what make my children smile. Knowing what makes my kids smile helps me to know how to show each of them love on days when they need a little TLC. Whether that be fireworks or flowers or butterflies, I love noting what makes my children smile.


  1. Kids have a way of teaching us to notice. Love this!

  2. Children teach us so much 😊 fmf #14

  3. My kids are adults now but I still feel the same about their smiles! And I'm always working on being a noticer in so many ways too.
    God bless you.
    Your FMF Neighbour #39

  4. yes, watching my boys smile is a delight, even now at 17 and 20!



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