Five Minute Friday Stay Empathetic and Teachable

           I have been doing a lot of reading, listening, and praying in the last few days. I have always believed that every person on this earth is a unique masterpiece created by God. Recently my eyes have been open to systematic racism, and I want to keep my eyes and heart open to both the beauty and the pain in the world around me.. A few steps I am taking to do this is to make a conscious choice to read more books from authors who are of different races and backgrounds than me. I want my children also to be exposed to literature from a greater diversity of authors. I want to teach my children about  diversity. I don't want them to make assumptions about people who look, act or think differently than they do. I want them my children to understand that people of different cultures ate not always treated fairly. I want my children to take a stand against injustice. I am thankful for the gift of this change of perspective. I don't want to live in my own little world any longer.


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