Five Minute Friday Taking Steps Forward

          My children and I studied one of my favorite Bible stories this morning. We studied the story of Ezekiel and his vision of dry bones coming to life. There have been times when I felt like my circumstances were hopeless. I was dead in my sins and shame. Jesus rescued me and brought me out of my despair. He set me free, and put me on a new path. I have been reminded this week of God's rescue mission on my life. The enemy wants me to look back on my story with shame. I believe God wants me to walk in victory, and share my testimony of God's faithfulness to encourage others. What steps forward could you take toward victory today? 



  1. Oh, Jesus, I'm in trouble;
    oh, Jesus can You hear?
    Oh Jesus, break the bubble
    and say that You'll be near.
    Oh, Jesus, I am frightened;
    oh Jesus, I can't cope;
    please let me be enlightened
    at the end of this last rope.
    Oh, Jesus, darkness drawing near
    oh Jesus, let me live!
    Oh, Jesus, can You hold my fear,
    and can You yet forgive
    all the times I have betrayed
    when in faith I should have stayed?

    1. Andrew, the gift of your poetry is such a blessing to me. I am praying for you and Barb!

  2. Prayer and Praise and walk every moment with Jesus. Thank you for reminding us that He wants us to walk in victory with Him.

    Your FMF neighbor.

    1. Thank you Leann for stopping by. I hope you have a lovely day!

  3. Can these dry bones live? That story is so thought provoking.


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