Five Minute Friday Appreciating the Normal Ordinary Moments

                        The song "It Won't Be Like This For Long" popped up in my Facebook memories earlier this week. It reminded me that what I viewed as normal has changed a great deal over the past almost eleven years. Ten years ago, I was walking the floor late at night with my Princess hoping that if I walked with her around the house long enough that she would get sleepy, so that we could both go to bed. Ten years later, I am now up late at night typing this post in a quiet house as late at night is the easiest time for me to find time to write. What we view as normal can change from one season to the next. There have been times in my life when what felt normal to me was not something that I should have accepted as normal. I had brave friends who told me that the life that I was living was not normal or healthy. They helped me make the changes that I needed to make. I remember staying a night in a hotel room with my children while we were in the middle of this season of change, and I turned on praise and worship music. One of my children commented that they were glad that some things didn't change and that we would still be listening to our favorite praise songs. Normal everyday moments can become the traditions that my children will look back on when they are older. I want them to remember bedtime stories and movie nights. I want them to remember the scooter rides around the neighborhood.  I know that seasons change quickly. So I want to grab a hold of the joy and the fun and the memories of the season that I am in, and cherish them, before we embrace a new normal, and whatever lies ahead.   


  1. Some have said it ain't the way
    that I should be living,
    pushing hard most every day,
    and never ever giving
    myself the chance to stop and rest,
    and fade into God's tender arms,
    lean my head against His chest,
    and let Him keep me safe from harms.
    Well, yeah, you know, I see the point,
    but I was built for speed;
    cancer's thrown me out of joint,
    but that don't mean I need
    to shrink from hell that's comin' down
    whose fire will refine my crown.

    #1 at FMF this week

    1. Beautiful poem Andrew. Your poems are a blessing to me. I am praying for you and Barb.

  2. “ There have been times in my life when what felt normal to me was not something that I should have accepted as normal.” this right here. Great reminder.

    Visiting from FMF

    1. Yes, I lived in a very unhealthy marriage for a long time. Things were happening that I shouldn't have accepted as normal. It took a friend pointing out that what I was experiencing was not normal for me to stop living in denial. I hope you have a wonderful day!

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you Susan! I hope you have a lovely day!

  4. Great post, and beautifully written. Thanks for sharing.


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