Day 18 Shalom allows me to be effective witness

          It is hard for me to rest. There is always something that needs to be done. I tell myself when I get done with such and such task, I can rest, but there always seems to be more that needs to be done. I used to believe that if I was not allowed to rest until all my tasks were done. No wonder I felt overwhelmed, worn out and grumpy. I am now learning that I need to take time to rest even in the midst of completing tasks. My children report that I am a kinder more joyful mom when I am well rested and the tasks do not seem as overwhelming when coming from a place of rest. I don't have to run on empty. I can just breathe. In what ways could embracing rest make you more effective? I would love to read your ideas in the comments.


  1. Oh, how well I understand you, Jolene. I used to think the same thing. Just one more thing and I'll rest, but then something else became the one more thing and on and on. I was almost always exhausted when my kids were young. I wish I had taken more time to rest. God actually created us to need rest. We were never meant to keep on going and going and going without rest. Thanks for the good reminder. Blessings to you!

    1. Thank you for sharing your story with me. It is comforting to remember that God created us to need rest. Blessings to you too!

  2. Rest is so important! It’s hard for us moms to figure that out, though, isn’t it?! It seems like there’s always something to do.

    1. My parents have been encouraging me to teach and train my children to help me, especially in tasks such as cleaning up after themselves. I hope you have a lovely day!


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