Day 26 Schedule time with God (Review of The Basic Bible Atlas by John Baker)

          I understand the importance of scheduling time with God. As a mom of three children ten and under, I realize that if I don't make a point to schedule time with God, and make it a habbit it probably isn't going to happen as often as I like. The Basic Bible Atlas by John A, Beck is a great resource to use as I am studying God's word. There are many scriptures that deal with Ancient cities- Jericho, Jerusalem, and Capernaum to name a few. It was wonderful to see these cities on maps of the ancient world and see how those maps changed through the course of history. But this atlas was more than a collection of maps. The pages of  The Basic Bible Atlas described how the cities in Ancient Israel and neighboring countries were not only an important part of the history of Israel, but were also like a character themselves in the Biblical narrative. I would recommend this book to anyone who wants to dig into Bible study by learning more about the villages and cities that are described in the Bible.

I received this book for free as part of the Baker Book Bloggers program. All opinions are my own


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