Day 24 Pursuing shalom while sharing your opinion

          We all have voices. God gave us these voices to be able to communicate with each other. We need to use our words for building up and encouragement. I went through a period of several years of believing my opinion did not matter. I stopped giving my opinion because it was harshly rejected and I was even punished for having an opinion. In the two years that have passed since I broke free from that situation, I have relearned how to express my opinion. I have realized that everyone should be able to express their opinion. I have learned that friends and loved ones can have a different opinion than me. It is a good thing to be able to agree to disagree. I tell my children all the time that it is admirable to meet in the middle, and focus on what we do agree on and what we have in common with others. What about you, is it easy or difficult for you to share your opinion? Do you enjoy listening to the thoughts and opinions of others? I would love to hear your opinion in the comments.


  1. Replies
    1. I don't always feel brave, but I have learned that bravery isn't based on feelings or emotions. I hope you have a lovely day Susan!

  2. I used to have a hard time sharing my opinion, but I am just more confident in God now, and I am able to share more. You are right that instead of focusing on our differing opinions we can find where we do agree and then agree to disagree where our opinions differ. That way we can still have conversations and together seek the truth.

    I love listening to the opinions of others now, because I'm not threatened by them anymore if they differ. I can accept them for who they are and still be friends even when we disagree.

    I am so glad you have come through a difficult situation and now know that your opinion matters. Each of us matter to God and therefore to each other, too.

    Blessings to you!


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