Day 17 Shalom in relationships

          I share the below song three years ago on Facebook. I remember the day that I shared this song. A dear friend had discovered that I was in an abusive relationship, and she was sharing this information with my parents, in hopes that they would be able to help me and my children. I was so scared and ashamed that my secret was now out in the open. I learned that day that honesty is a key element of any healthy relationship. You can only find shalom when you are willing to be honest with God and those closest to you. There is healing in honesty. It reminds me of the full meaning of shalom not only peace but healing and wholeness. I do believe especially in the social media age that there is such a thing as oversharing. I think we need to make sure the people that we are sharing with are trustworthy and have our best interests at heart. If this is true, we need to lay aside the mask and be honest. "So bring your brokeness and I'll bring mine. Cause love can heal the wound behind, and mercy's waiting on the other side. If we're honest. If we're honest." - Francessca Battistelli      


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