Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me (Shalom #OneWord 2020)

1 Peter 2:16

          Live as people who are free, not using your freedom as a cover-up for evil, but living as servants of God
          The above verse is one of the most important truths that I have learned in 2019. "May we think of freedom, not as the right to do as we please, but as the opportunity to do what is right."-Peter Marshall. This year as I embraced my freedom in Christ, I realized that the most freeing aspect of spiritual freedom is telling others about God who set me free from a situation that at one time I thought was inescapable. My story is that "He's still rolling stones!" to quote Lauren Daigle. As I have embraced freedom in Christ, I have realized that it is not about me. It is all about Him. I want my story to tell of Jesus and how He has rescued and redeemed me. He has put a new song in my heart and my mouth. "Let the redeemed of the Lord say so." -Nicole C. Mullins.

          In the past few months, I have realized that what I really want for my children, my extended family, and myself is peace. I can sometimes become scattered in the ways that I pursue peace. I think that maybe a new bedtime routine will make things more peaceful, or that if I schedule everything perfectly during the day than their won't be any meltdowns (including my own.) I have learned though that peace cannot be found in the perfect routine or plan no matter how much time and effort I put into these carefully laid plans. Peace is not found in getting my way or even in the feeling that I have all my proverbial ducks in a row. Peace is a person and His name is Jesus. My job as a Mom is to point my children to Jesus, and to share with them that Jesus is the only true source of peace.

          I chose the word shalom because my prayer for this year is for more than just peace. It is for shalom. Shalom is a Hebrew word that does not simply mean peace, but also wholeness and completeness. I want to remember this year that true shalom does not come from anything that my mind conjures up and that I decide to do. Peace comes from Jesus. I need to surrender my day, my plans, my everything to Jesus, and trust that He is with me every day of 2020.  

Do you have a word for 2020? I would love for you to tell me about it in the comments.  


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