Five Minute Friday Birth

         I was reminded of a sweet memory today on Facebook. Eleven years ago today, I announced on social media that I was expecting my first child, my Princess. I wrote today in a Facebook post that this news eleven years ago was one of the best things that ever happened to me. I love being a mom not only to my eldest but also to each member of my trio of children. They bring me so much joy every day. They have also prompted me to make choices that I may not have been brave enough to make if I was only thinking about myself. I have had to chose to be brave because they are counting on me. My Princess loves hearing about the day she was born, and that she was well worth the wait of 18 hours of labor. I have included a baby picture of my Princess below. Is there a story of birth or renewal that you would like to share today?



  1. We called him Yellow Boy at first,
    because his fur's well, yellow,
    but now in a new home's rebirth,
    he's Roscoe, lucky fellow!
    He's just a smiling little Pit
    who somehow lost his way,
    and we convinced him, bit by bit,
    that he could come to stay
    and make his home within our pack
    of Heelers, mutts, and Labradors.
    They would always have his back,
    and he never would be bored.
    Last week the desert was his bed,
    and now he sleeps on mine, instead.

    1. My dogs are also not content with a dog bed and instead insist on sleeping right next to their people. Thank you for sharing about Roscoe. I am praying for you and Barb! -Jolene


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