An Unexpected Gift

          I took this picture of my youngest daughter a few weeks ago. I noticed that the shirt that she was wearing was getting a little small. I wanted to capture this moment in time so that I would always remember the gift of this shirt. My daughter was given this shirt by a dear friend the day that I left my abusive marriage. My friend served my children breakfast, washed and styled both of my daughter's hair, and encouraged my son to play with her sons. She did all this, while her mother helped me obtain a restraining order. It was such a gift to come back to my friends house and see my happy children describing the fun they had with their friends. This is the reason that this shirt has a great deal of sentimental value to me. Every time that my daughter wore this shirt in the twenty two months that has passed since that day, I would remember my friends and the way that they were the hands and feet of Christ to me and my children that day. I hope that I have the opportunity to pay it forward one day and help others the way that I have been helped.


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