Five Minute Friday Cost

          I sometimes feel guilty for the way that my decisions impact others. I play the "what if" game and wish that I could make life better or easier for my family, specifically my children or my parents. My choices have cost both my parents and my children. My parents gave up their empty nester life to provide a home for my children and me. My children had to move from the only home that they ever knew to a different state in part because of choices I made. I realize that I was not the only one involved in the decision that created this situation. It still makes me feel hesitant to make decisions at times. I do not want to cause anyone I love anymore pain.Avoiding decisions is not the answer. I have learned that I can not live my life in limbo. I need to count the cost of my decisions especially the important ones, but then, I need to pray and then do the next right thing in love.


  1. I have made poor or awkward decisions too! It is a thing that we all do. Our sinful nature at work in living in a fallen world. Christ redeems. Christ loves. Christ sacrificed his life for our screw ups. I hope you settle into your new home and have a lovely week of Thanksgiving! Jennifer, your neighbor at FMF

    1. Christ redeems. Christ loves. Christ sacrificed his life for our screw ups. I need to keep preaching these truths to myself. Thank you for stopping by Jennifer!

  2. You're so right...avoiding decisions is NOT the answer!

    The sonnet below isn't something that happened to me, but it did happen to a friend.

    I thought that I could run away,
    take my toys and hide,
    putting off the dreadful day
    on which I must decide.
    I wanted, yes, to marry her,
    but wasn't truly ready
    to take in trade the binding for
    the freedom of going steady.
    So I dithered and I faltered,
    made excuses, hesitated,
    tried to push away the altar
    where we'd be forever mated.
    Hesitation was at end a blunder
    for she'd moved, and changed her number.

    And yes, it ended happily; she forgave my buddy his hesitation.

    #1 at FMF this week.

  3. I am glad that the situation ended happily for your friend. Thank you for sharing your sonnet. It brought a smile to my face. I am praying for you and Barb! -Jolene


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