Day 5 Carry Each Other's Burdens

           Galatians 6:2 2Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.

         One of the reasons that living a life of honesty with God and others is hard for me is that I don't want to be a burden to my friends and family. I knew that each of my friends and family members had their own jobs, families, and other responsibilities. I did not want my story, and my own neediness to burden my friends and family. I had a friend who described it to me this way, that if I were the friend that knew a person that I cared about wouldn't I want to help them? Of course, my answer was yes. I am thankful to be a part of the family of God, and that we are all here to help each other. I will always be thankful for those who helped my children and me, and I hope to be an encouragement and help to others.


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