Day 20 Honestly tell your story

          This weekend I noticed something interesting when asking my children what all the hollering was about. Each of their versions of the story made them appear that they were not at fault for the ruckus. After handling the situation, and redirecting the kids, I thought about the fact that I often do the same. I only want people to see me in the most flattering light. I don't want to appear needy. I also don't like appearing vulnerable or frazzled. This isn't just a situation that happens with me, though. There are many examples of this kind of behavior in the Bible. People have been playing the blame game since the garden of Eden. Adam and Eve blamed each other and the Serpent for eating from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. It is hard being honest, but it is so worth it. In being honest with our stories, that we encourage others to honestly share their stories.


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