When Your Testimony Is Messy Five Minute Friday

     I am a big fan of happy endings, of coloring inside the lines, of recipes that are tried and true. Life is not often picture perfect. Life is messy. Situations can get confusing and complicated. For many years I thought that the time to share my testimony was at the end of seasons in my life when I saw how God had worked things out. It is hard for me to testify when I am in the middle of the mess. I want to see how all the pieces fit. I have seen dear friends praise God and testify of God's goodness in the middle of life's sticky situation. I want to live like that praising God in the middle of the hard, in the middle of the questions, in the middle of the mundane. So what do you say? Can I get a witness?


  1. I think we need to hear all kinds of testimonies, including those that are still "in progress." I was at a church meeting a few years ago and several people in turn shared testimonies which were amazing, but all very neat and tidy. It left me wondering if these were the only kinds of stories that were valued. I think we need to hear the messy stories too, because God works in all kinds of different ways and all our stories matter. Visiting from FMF #12.

    1. Yes, I can say from personal experience, it is really nerve wracking to give your testimony when it is messy. I have found that being open with sharing my story has prompted others to feel more comfortable talking with me about their own hard situations because they know I have walked through similar circumstances. Thank you for stopping by Lesley.

  2. I, too, want to be willing to testify while in the middle of the mess. The hard or the heartache. Often, the best place to truly see God for who He is - is right in the middle of the mess. Visiting from FMF - have a great week!

    1. Yes, this is so true. Thank you for stopping by Jennifer.


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