Five Minute Friday Pace

     My youngest daughter moves at her own pace. I tell my friends and family that she is my stop and smell the roses child. I will admit that sometimes going through life at my Cuddle Bug's  pace makes me feel like I am losing my mind. (Will you please put your shoes on already?) I do notice that when I slow down and see the world through her perspective I notice beauty that I may not have seen if I was going through my day at a more efficient pace. May I remember that the next time I tempted to rush my noticer.

Each week I gather with my friends over at Five Minute Friday to write for five minutes on the topic of the week. This week the word was pace. You can learn more about this wonderful community at


  1. Oh my goodness, yes, a million times yes! They are our lesson!

  2. So true, there are a lot of blessings when we slow down to notice what's around us, and children can be great examples in this! Visiting from FMF #23.

    1. This is so true. Thank you for stopping by Gayl.


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