Counting Every Blessing Swimming and School Edition

        One of the reasons that I love having a blog is that it gives me a place to record the many reasons that I have to give thanks. Each weekend I like to pause and look back over the previous week and share my gratitude list. Here are a few of the things for which I am thankful.

  • My Princess received her standardized test results from the last school year. She did very well on her English Language Arts test. She was very excited about the test results, and I am so proud of her.

  • We went swimming yesterday. My children love a day at the pool.

  • I had a nice talk with a dear friend earlier this week. 

  • My brother and nephew spent a couple of days with my family and me. I am thankful for opportunities to talk with my brother. I love hearing my brothers perspective on things.

  • I have begun taking walks with my children. I think we are going to like this new daily habit.

  • My son is really looking forward to his birthday coming up next week.

  • My church had a pizza party for the children's ministry today. My children loved it.

So, now it is your turn. In the comments, please share what are you thankful for today?


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