Day Twenty Two Danger

           God had a rescue plan ready for me before I even realized that I was in danger. When my eldest was a baby, my (then) husband and I decided to start attending church. I called churches in the area, and talked to a friendly secretary who told me about the church's cry room, when I told her that I had an infant. We visited this church the following Sunday, and the church secretary welcomed me, and introduced me to other young Mom's. We had found our church home. In the next three years, we added two more children to our family, but as time moved on I began keeping a secret. There were days that my husband refused to allow me to attend church, because social outings were something he thought I needed to earn. There were other days that he did not allow church because he knew that my friends might see the bruises from his physical abuse. His goal was to completely isolate me. But God gave me friends who did not give up on me, even when I gave up on myself. My friends eventually realized that I was being abused, and contacted my parents. Then, working with my parents they formed a plan to get my children and I out of that scary situation. Now, when my son hears the word danger he thinks of  "Danger, Will Robinson, danger!”  I am so thankful that God left the ninety nine to find me.

If you or someone you love is being impacted by domestic violence, please call the National Domestic Violence hotline at 800.799.SAFE (7233).


  1. I'm so very sorry you had to suffer abuse, and I'm also very glad God provided a way for you to get out of danger.


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