
Showing posts from February, 2021

Day 21 Who do I Resemble?

             My youngest daughter is the one who most closely resembles me. We are both petite, have naturally curly hair and are similar in personality and interests. She is my little mini me. As I think about how my daughter resembles me, I am reminded that I want to resemble my Savior. I am so thankful that Jesus is our perfect example. I need to dig into God’s word, and talk with Him daily in prayer to keep my eyes on Him. The idea of leading by example reminds me of the Sanctus Real. This song is from the perspective of a father, but it also greatly encourages me as a single mom. Do you resemble any of your family members? I would love to read your thoughts in the comments.

Day 20 Recuperating is an Important Part of Moving Forward

            I don’t have time for this. I admit that is usually my first thought when I am told that I need to recuperate whether it be from an illness, an injury or child birth. I don’t like being told to stay in bed especially if I can hear the sound of my children giggling down the hall. I want to know what the people I love are doing. I do not want to be left out. I don’t like the feeling of life moving on without me. I need to remember times of recuperation are so important. If I do not get enough rest, exhaustion will catch up with me. I can’t outrun stress or sadness. I need to turn these feelings over to God. I need to take time to breathe. What are some things that you like to do to recuperate.

Day 19 Moving Forward in a Peaceable Way

           When I first started my moving forward journey, I did not want to be quiet or timid any more. I had spent the past several years walking on eggshells. During that time sharing an opinion could be dangerous and not good for my health. When I found freedom from that situation, I learned how to share my opinion, and I did not want to feel like my opinion was repressed ever again. As the years have passed, I have realized that it is not always a good idea to share my opinion. To quote a popular phrase, “The world is changed by my example not my opinion.” I want my example to be love. Love is peaceable. I want to be peaceable whether it be with my family or anyone I may meet

Day 18 Learning to be observant

            A unexpected gift of moving forward was deciding to be curious about the world around and my own thoughts and preferences again. My counselor encouraged me to try new things and to explore learning what I liked and didn’t like. I had just came out of a period of repressing my feelings and opinions. I needed to revel in the fact that it was acceptable to have an opinion and that my opinion mattered. My counselor also encouraged me to be observant of whenever I had a strong emotion, to ask myself why when I felt scared, angry or sad. Once I figured out the reason, I felt that way I could determine if that emotion was still an accurate response for my current circumstances, and I could prayerfully release that emotion to God. I feel peaceful when I am observant of the world around me, and what is going on inside of my mind and my heart. 

Day 17 The Experience of Moving Forward

            One part of moving forward that I have struggled with the most is that I never want to forget what I have experienced. I am afraid if I forget the lessons that this journey has taught that I might repeat the mistakes that I made. The lessons I learned came at a high price not just for me, but also my family. I never want to make those same mistakes again. I also don’t want to dwell in the past. I don’t want to camp there. I don’t belong there. This is the reason that I chose moving forward as my phrase for 2021. Moving forward does not deny that the past happened. Moving forward means that I can remember that Jesus is my anchor and that I am no longer chained to my past.                      

Day 16 Profession to move

           When I decide that I want to do something I often first tell my mom. My Mom will give me advice and often help me plan whatever I am trying to do. I have found it helpful in this quest to move forward that telling others that I am moving forward is a beneficial first step in moving forward. I have learned over the last four years that I need my community. I need my tribe. I have received so much encouragement just by sharing story with others. I also hope that in sharing my story with others that God may use my story to honor Him. Is there anything that you need to profess today?

Day 15 Serendipity

 “So Ruth went and picked up the leftover grain in a field after the reapers; and she happened to stop at the plot of land belonging to Boaz, who was of the family of Elimelech.” ‭‭Ruth‬ ‭2:3          I love how in the Bible story of Ruth that Ruth just happened to go to Boaz’s field. It reminds me that I just happened to start attending a church whose members God would use to save my life. Members of my church years after I first began attending rescued me from a dangerous domestic violence situation, and reunited me and my children with my parents and extended family. I have found this to be true in my life. “Before Zacheus needed to see Jesus, God planted a tree. I don’t think this should be called serendipity. This is grace. It is all grace. What are some ways that you have seen God’s grace in your life?

Day 14 Moving on from unhealthy habbits

Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses [who by faith have testified to the truth of God’s absolute faithfulness], stripping off every unnecessary weight and the sin which so easily and cleverly entangles us, let us run with endurance and active persistence the race that is set before us,” ‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭12:1‬ ‭AMP‬‬ I have recently been very encouraged by my Pastor. He has been teaching on scriptures like the one above that describe casting off sin and other things that weigh me down to run the race God has set before me. I have a bad habit of looking at how others are running the race around me, instead of focusing on the race that God has set before me. One of my favorite C. S. Lewis quotes is “There is no love in comparison.” If I am truly focused on moving forward and sharing God’s love with those around me. I have no time for comparison. What is one habit that you need to throw aside to run your best race? I would love to read your thoughts in the comment...

Day 13 Move into Creativity

          There was a season in my life that I did not think I had time for creativity. I felt like I was barely holding things together. I didn’t deserve to take time for myself. I didn’t see what benefit my creativity had on my family. I now realize that making time to be creative makes me a better Mom. I want my children to see me pursuing creativity. I want the children to have the freedom to explore their own creative endeavors. I can chose to encourage creativity in our home. This starts by making time for creativity in our daily lives for myself and my children. How are you moving into creativity?  

Day 12 Awestruck by God’s love

             Last Thursday was a hard day for me. It was sad day, and in a house full of family members who loved me, I felt lonely. I needed to remember how much God loved me. I opened up the Bible app on my phone and read verses that reminded me of God’s love. I then made a playlist of every song I could think of that described the never ending love of God. Listening to and singing along with these songs brought tears to my eyes. I am awestruck by God’s love for me. His love is such an amazing gift that I want to be mindful of everyday. Oh, how he loves us so!      

Day 11 Try New Things Once

              I like predictably. I like routines. I do not have much of an adventurous spirit. I laugh that my girls are much more open to trying new things than I am. Their motto is to try things once. I have ridden roller coasters at theme parks because my children have wanted to go on them. I have researched and then participated in activities that my kids have wanted to try. My eldest daughter and I have even discovered we both enjoy sushi because she had always wanted to try it. I am thankful that my children are adventurous and they encourage me to be a more adventurous person

Day 10 Argument

“We are destroying sophisticated arguments and every exalted and proud thing that sets itself up against the [true] knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought and purpose captive to the obedience of Christ,” ‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭10:5‬ ‭AMP‬‬ I hate arguments. I am of the mindset that I want everything settled right away. I long for resolution and restoration. I don’t like it when someone is mad at me. I tend to overthink my conversations with people which is kind of ironic when I realize that not everyone overthinks things the way I do. Am I filtering my thoughts through the filter of . If I am not I need to surrender my thoughts to God, and focus on truth. Today, I am reminding myself of Gods all encompassing love.

Day 9 Moving Forward Through a Predicament

                       Problems and predicaments can really throw me for a loop. The fact that most challenges take me by surprise is what makes them so unsettling to me. I don’t always think fast on my feet. I am a planner, and I like things going according to plan. It is comforting to me that nothing ever comes as a surprise to God. He is the God of all my days. I am so thankful that as the song states, “I know who holds tomorrow, and I know who holds my hand.” How do you handle predicaments? Do you like to plan or are you more spontaneous? I would love to read your thoughts in the comments.

Day 8 What Energizes You?

          I had a nice talk with my sister last weekend. My amazing brother-in-law offered to watch my children, while my sister and I went to Joann’s and Michaels craft stores. My sister asked me about my hobbies, and we discussed how ideally hobbies should energize you. A new hobby can be a great first step in moving forward. My counselor encouraged me to experiment with discovering new hobbies as a part of the healing process. You should feel more alive while pursuing your hobby. Reading and writing energize me. I also love spending time with my children just enjoying their company. I enjoy connecting with friends whether that be in person a rare treat, or more frequently by phone calls or texting. What energizes you?

Day 7 On What Am I Placing Emphasis?

 “So we have the prophetic word made more certain. You do well to pay [close] attention to it as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day dawns and light breaks through the gloom and the morning star arises in your hearts.” ‭‭2 Peter‬ ‭1:19‬ ‭AMP‬‬ What am I emphasizing? Am I focused on my circumstances or am I focused on God? Is my gaze on the temporal or the eternal? I am not saying to ignore my circumstances, but I do need to view life through the proper perspective. I need to remember that the joy of the Lord is my strength. All of my hope is in Jesus. This is my story. This is my song praising my Savior all the day long! May this be what I emphasize today.

Day 6 Living in Awe of God

 Let all the earth fear the Lord; Let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe.            I remember standing on top of Pikes Peak in Colorado. From that vantage point, it literally felt like I could touch the sky. I was filled with so much awe for the Creator looking out over the vastness and beauty of God’s creation. The ocean, the Grand Canyon, Pikes Peak are all places that remind me of the awesomeness of God. I need to consider Gods awesomeness on the ordinary Saturday’s when I am watching my kids play, making dinner, or doing laundry. God is the Way Maker, Miracle Worker and Promise Keeper all the time. I want to live a life of worship to God. I want to sing of the goodness of God.  

Day 5 Five Minute Friday Sunrise

            2 Corinthians 4:17 17  For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. ( A )           I am a Sunset girl. I am not a morning person. So, I do not see the sunrise that often. Three years ago, I was going through a dark season in my life. A line from Josh Wilson song that is shared below states that, “The pain that you’ve been feeling can’t compare to the joy that’s coming.” This is a truth that encouraged me then, that continues to encourage me today. God’s mercies are new every morning. Every day is an opportunity to move forward.

Day 4 Make time to get creative

          I sometimes feel guilty taking time for myself when I have tasks that are still undone. One thing I learned as a Mom is that there always seems to be more tasks that need to be done. Putting words on paper is one of the things that brings me joy and refreshes me. I am a better Mom when I take time to journal rest, talk or text with friends or do other things that fill me up. I also think it is important for my children to see pursuing hobbies that bring me joy. What are some things that you could put on your to do list to bring you joy today?

Day 3 Being teachable in 2021

           I am not always teachable. Sometimes I just want my own way. Parenting has been humbling in that regard because some of the very behaviors that I correct in my children are behaviors that I also do. I have found that I need to apologize often. I thank God for do overs. I am so thankful that His mercies are new every morning. I love the idea of God’s word being at home in me. I want God’s word to permeate every part of my being. If I am filled up with Him I am equipped to teach my children and encourage others with whomI may come into contact. If I desire to be filled up with God’s word I need to study it daily. I need to make this a priority this year. What comes to mind when you hear the word teach? I would love to read your thoughts in the comments.

Day 2 Enthusiasm for moving forward

           Sometimes even knowing that it is time to move forward does not cause me to feel enthusiastic about moving forward. When I was a teen and young adult, I was very enthusiastic about the future. After experiencing heart ache and loss, enthusiasm at time can feel elusive. I cling to memories of the past convinced that I need to hang onto them, because I don’t want to forget the lessons I have learned from them. If I lay my burdens down, I just might be able to dance again. If trust that God is with me, my children are very enthusiastic. I want to follow their example and be more enthusiastic about the beautiful blessings in life. What is something that you have enthusiastic lately? 

Day 1 the fear of disappointment

    I am a “play it safe” kind of girl. I like predictably, having a plan, and sticking with the plan. I do not like disappointing people that I care about. I like coloring inside the lines. I am reminded of the scene in Chronicles of Narnia  “Safe? Who said anything about safe. He isn’t safe. But He is good.” I want to remember that in 2021, playing it safe should not be a goal that I am pursuing. Walking with the King should be my goal for every day.  Recently I have been trying to say yes more often, especially to fun ideas that my children share with me. My eldest daughter and I tried sushi, which we both really enjoyed. I want to say yes more often. I want to take risks. I want to dream again

28 days of Move #Write28days

         For the month of February, I will be writing about my #OneWord365 phrase Moving Forward. I am looking forward to seeing the ways that Move Forward will inspire and even challenge me this year. This is my landing page for #Write28days. Thank you for joining me on this journey. Day 1 Fear of disappointment Day 2 Enthusiasm for moving forward Day 3 Being Teachable in 2021 Day 4 Make Time to Get Creative Day 5 Five Minute Friday Sunrise Day 6 Living In Awe of God