
Showing posts from May, 2020

Five Minute Friday Reborn

            John 3:7 "Do not marvel that I said to you, you must be born again."           I was inspired by a statement my Pastor made last Sunday. He said that when Lazarus was raised from the grave they took his grave clothes off. When Jesus rescued me, He told me to take my grave clothes off. The entanglements of sin and shame no longer have power over me. I can live life remembering that I am reborn. I can embrace my freedom in Christ. How would my life look if I lived out freedom every day? How would that impact the people that I interact with daily whether that be strangers God places in my path or my own family members? I will close with a quote from C. S. Lewis, "Obedience is the road to freedom, humility the road to pleasure, unity the road personality."

Don't Overthink It Book Review

     I tend to over think when making decisions. I want to make the right choice. So, I often spend way too much time overanalyzing the options I have anytime I make a "big" decision.  One of the first truths that Anne Bogel shares in the book, " Don't Overthink It" is that our thoughts can be our ally or enemy.              In chapter 3, Anne describes the symptoms of analysis paralysis. She also describes some ways to move past decision fatigue. Anne discusses how out values and our habbits impact our decisions. A helpful point that Anne makes is that we can chose what we think about. She then shares some practical strategies to move past decision fatigue such as limiting our choices or delegating some of the work and therefore some of the choices to others.              Anne reminded me of the importance of creating margin for when life does not go as planned. She reminded me of the importance o...

Five Minute Friday Taking Steps Forward

          My children and I studied one of my favorite Bible stories this morning. We studied the story of Ezekiel and his vision of dry bones coming to life. There have been times when I felt like my circumstances were hopeless. I was dead in my sins and shame. Jesus rescued me and brought me out of my despair. He set me free, and put me on a new path. I have been reminded this week of God's rescue mission on my life. The enemy wants me to look back on my story with shame. I believe God wants me to walk in victory, and share my testimony of God's faithfulness to encourage others. What steps forward could you take toward victory today?            

Five Minute Friday Appreciating the Normal Ordinary Moments

                        The song "It Won't Be Like This For Long" popped up in my Facebook memories earlier this week. It reminded me that what I viewed as normal has changed a great deal over the past almost eleven years. Ten years ago, I was walking the floor late at night with my Princess hoping that if I walked with her around the house long enough that she would get sleepy, so that we could both go to bed. Ten years later, I am now up late at night typing this post in a quiet house as late at night is the easiest time for me to find time to write. What we view as normal can change from one season to the next. There have been times in my life when what felt normal to me was not something that I should have accepted as normal. I had brave friends who told me that the life that I was living was not normal or healthy. They helped me make the changes that I needed to make. I remember staying a night in ...

Made to Move Mountains Kristen Welch (Book Review)

           Made to Move Mountains is an inspiring book written by Kristen Welch.  She opens with this very important question, do we want to see mountains move for our own glory or for God's glory? It is these type of questions that encourage introspection and prayer that make this book is a powerful read. I will admit something that I have learned about myself in recent years. I can be at times an individual that is full of fear. Kristen states,"Behind every fear a miracle is waiting." She also shares the encouragement, "On the precipice of every miracle is a desperate need for Jesus." Kristen shares a quote from John Eldrige  that it easy to believe that in a dark season that things have always been this way or will always be this way. It is important to remember God's faithfulness in the past and that He will be faithful in the present and future. I need to remember where to place my focus in dark seasons. If I look at my c...

Live Love Now

       Rachel Macy Stafford 's message in Live Love Now is one of gentle encouragement of a friend who has been there. Through the pages of this book, you get to know Rachel and her heart for children, teens, and young adults. Rachel describes being a place of refuge for the young person in your life.           This quote made me think of the ways that I can create places of refuge for my children. I want my children to be free to be the unique individuals that God created them to be.            Rachel's quote above that being easily offended wastes precious time is one that is very appropriate while many of us are home with our families during this time of safer at home guidelines. I don't want to waste time with my loved ones by being easily offended.            I want to leave a legacy of love with my children, and that legacy is ...