Five Minute Friday Witness
I did not know how much I would need the word trust when I chose it (or did it choose me?) as my #Oneword365 in December of 2021. There have been several seasons during this year, when I wanted to panic, or I wanted to sink into despair. The word trust reminded me that even during periods of times that I could not see the path forward, that God was still on the throne. I can trust Him. I needed to trust God as this year brought very big changes in my life. God showed me His love and grace, by dear friends and loved ones literally showing up for my children and me, being his hands and feet. They shined God's light and love when I felt overwhelmed. As an auditory processor, music comforts and encourages me. I am going to share a few of the songs that I played and replayed this year. "In my worry, God You are my stillness. In my blindness, God you are my vision. In my weakness, God You are my power." These are words that I needed to remind myself o...