Day Twelve Decline

 “I don’t have to attend every argument I’m invited to.” — W. C. Fields

         As a people pleaser, I used to make many decisions based on what I thought the preferences were of the other people impacted by my decision. I cared about making others happy (or actually happy with me) than my preferences the majority of the time. Thankfully, through counseling and personal growth, I have learned that it is good to have boundaries and personal preferences. It is fun to know what I like and what I do not like. In fact, my kids probably appreciate that I know what would stress me out. So, that I can mentally prepare for stressful situations, instead of snapping at them in the moment becaus of my lack of self-awareness. I am also learning that for the most part, other people's opinion of me is their business, not mine. As the above quote states, I can decline participating in needless arguments and drama. I can show grace, and I can let go of stress and frustration, giving those emotions over to God. In God, I find my identity and security. He knows my heart and my motivations. I do not have to run myself ragged over-explaining my thoughts and perspective to others. Are there any stressful situations that you can decline participating in this week?


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