Day Ten Crevice

           For five years, my marital status has either been seperated or divorced. For three years prior to that, my heart was breaking because I knew my marriage was broken and I was desperately trying to fix it. Emotionally, my heart does feel busted and bruised, even five years after the intiial seperation and divorce. At the end of 2022, I knew I needed to make some changes. I needed grace. So, I chose that as my #OneWord365 for 2023. As for King and Country sings in this song, I am desperate for grace. In my desperation for grace, I need to be open to receiving God's grace. I need to have open hands and a willing receptive heart. I need to offer God my heart and all of my convoluted emotions and pray that He pour his grace into every crevice and broken area and bind up all my emotional wounds.. As I receive healing from God, I can share his grace with others. 


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