Day 3 Coffee

Deuteronomy 6:6-7

These words I am commanding you today are to be upon your hearts. 7And you shall teach them diligently to your children and speak of them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.

    My children like it when I stop by a coffee shop for a cup of coffee. Living in Florida, it is usually iced coffee that I request. If my children are with me, then, they will get a treat too. Often it is a cake pop, other times it may be a cookie, doughnut or some other kind of dessert. As my children are growing into tweens and teens, they have even been ordering their own iced coffee's or Frappuccino's on our stops by the coffee shop. I treasure these moments with them. I remember specifically ordering a Frappuccino one time that my eldest wanted to try an iced coffee. I thought the iced coffee would not be sweet enough for her liking. It wasn't, and I happily switched beverages with her so that she could have the drink that she preferred. I look at our times at coffee shops as times that we can talk about the day and enjoy each other's company. We may even discuss deeper things like their friendships, prayer requests or plans for the future. I want to listen well to my children as they tell me about the everyday details of their lives. So that they know that I will listen when they have important things that they want to discuss with me. So, what about you? Do you like coffee, or do you prefer tea, coacoa or some other hot beverage?


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